Greenland Business Association (GBA) has been representing the interests of Greenlandic businesses since 1966, and we now count around 350 companies with approximately 7,000 employees among our members.
Email: Phone: +299 32 15 00
Call us
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Registration fee
Final step
Company name
Industry code according to. CVR
Contact person name Contact person email Contact person phone
street House number
Box postal code
Town Country
Does the company wish to receive invoices by email? YesNo
To which email should the invoice be sent?
Does the company wish to receive information from Greenland Business? (tick both if desired) Weekly NewsletterAurora Annual Magazine
Logo for use in the Greenland Business membership database
A10 (payroll report)
Full MembershipAssociate Membership
Read more about full membership here.
Read more about associate membership here.
The company wishes to be associated with the following sector
ConstructionMineralsTechnical ConsultantsElectrical & PlumbingHotels, Restaurants & TourismLiberal ProfessionsRetail TradeService & TransportIT, Communications & MediaFishing & Exports
Does the company also want membership in Dansk Industri (the Danish Confereration of Industries)? (900 kr./quarter pr. 1. januar 2023) YesNo
Does the company also wish to become a member of TEKNIQ (the Danish Mechanical and Electrical Contractors Association) (1000 kr./quarter pr. 1. januar 2023) YesNo
Compulsory membership of HORESTA (875 kr./quarter pr. 1. januar 2023)
Free travel scheme The company does NOT wish to be affiliated with the free travel scheme in case of serious illness or death of close relatives
Read more about the free travel scheme here
Foreign organizations and companies seeking associate membership will be transferred to ordinary membership of Greenland Business if the organization or company carries out business activities in Greenland.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare:
That the statutory occupational injury insurance and the Labour Market Insurance (AES) are paid and in force
That the company will comply with applicable collective agreements
That the company ensures that it has no overdue taxes and duties
Click here to read our statutes
I, the undersigned, have read and understood the Statutes of Greenland Business.
A welcome letter and the first membership fee invoice will be sent when the membership fee of DKK 1,000 has been paid into the account of Greenland Business:
IBAN: GL72647100015229954
Reg: 6471
Konto: 1522954
Please check that all information is correct. At the top, you can click back to the various points and browse your information.